Diversified styles of portfolio management

At the basis of our methodology is proactive management. Our independently tracked money managers have demonstrated they add value by utilizing time tested strategies in a variety of market environments. To better understand the advantages to this approach of portfolio management, we suggest a complimentary consultation.


Equity Strategies

At the core of portfolio performance are equities (stock). However, stocks can be highly volatile at times. We strive to utilize approaches that extract returns from the markets during constructive times and then become more defensive during deteriorating market conditions. To do this we utilize as strategy that incorporates a disciplined buy methodology with a proprietary tactical overlay that when combined provides what we believe, is the ultimate in risk reward characteristics.

Composite strategies/ Credit Spreads

Credit spreads are by design, highly liquid and have little to no historical correlation to the equity or interest rate sensitive markets. As we saw in 2008, traditional diversification gave little protections as many asset classes became highly correlated to each other. Correlation is one of the detriments to most traditional asset allocation strategies. When markets become volatile having non-correlated assets can help in minimize volatility while potentially contributing to positive returns over time.

Tactical Bond Strategy

We believe we are at the end of the bond bull market. To be able to continue to take advantage of bonds function in portfolio construction, we believe a tactical approach is necessary.

Tactical High Yield Strategy seeks to provide investors with the total return normally associated with High Yield Bonds, while using optimal exit techniques for downside risk reduction.

The program was designed around a high yield bond fund index, but can use mutual funds or exchangeWe -traded funds (ETFs) as the actual investment vehicles.

Stop Loss Portfolio

Simple strategies to capitalize on market gains by minimizing losses and eliminate emotion from decision-making.